Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Digging deep to understand our Needs

Now what?!?

Organizations follow compelling leaders. They need clear direction in murky markets. They are looking for entrepreneurs and executives with the composure to navigate choppy waters as well as the conviction to overcome insurmountable obstacles.

As leaders, we take on that responsibility. It's not easy especially if we are in poor professional health. 

Without a clear understanding of who we are and what we stand for, the trials of the workplace can drain us.  We lose our mojo. Work becomes less of a joy and more of a chore. Our engagement falters and with it the enthusiasm and conviction we once thought was endless.

So how do we garner the inner strength to stay the course? What provides the purpose and passion to rally the team when all seems lost?  Where do we find the confidence to push our team towards an unseen target over the horizon? 

In a conversation with a CEO friend, he said, “The toughest part of leading today is finding the energy for reinventing your business and yourself to meet changing market demands.”

He is spot on. Nowadays it takes more than just intellectual horsepower or a slick strategy to win. Great leadership comes as much from the heart as the head.  To tap this source of our passion, we must be clear about who we are, where are we going and why.

Re-energizing our leadership starts with an exercise many of us try to avoid – self-reflection. 

Surprisingly, few leaders take the deep dive required to understand our Needs and Core Beliefs. This depth of introspection can be frightening, opening old wounds or digging through unsavory experiences. Exposing vulnerabilities or broken relationships is painful. Who wants to volunteer for that?!

Yet uncovering what is at our core can be cathartic. A client described the outcome of his journey as "liberating and redemptive".  Clarity about our Needs and Core Beliefs provides the foundation to lead well. Actions & Behaviors become more consistent and we develop a better grip on our Emotions & Attitudes.

As humans, we have a series of basic Needs from Physiological (i.e., food, water) to Safety to Social (belonging, acceptance). 

The Needs we look for our work to provide fall in four primary clusters; Identification, Validation, Inspiration and Actualization. Each of these clusters addresses a fundamental question we are trying to resolve; Who am I? (Identification), Where do I stand? (Validation), Why am I working? (Inspiration) and What can I become? (Actualization).

While the exploration of Identification starts with “Who am I?”, the path continues with How does my work define me? Is it by my C-level role or Partner title? My area of expertise? My list of accomplishments? Or am I defined by the people I have mentored and developed? Am I a leader? A diligent doer? A fair and empathetic teammate? Is my reputation (how others see me) aligned with my reality (who I truly am)? Is who I am today who I want to become? If not, what can I do to change?

In our quest for Identification, Validation, Inspiration and Actualization, unpacking these fundamental questions is critical. When we understand who, what and why we are as individuals, we become healthier professionals and better able to leverage our leadership gifts.

Needs and Core Beliefs are the last piece of our foundation. Without understanding these fundamentals, we will be perpetually asking “Now What?!?” with no answer in sight.

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